The Red Mile: Starfield's Intriguing Gambling Hub
Nestled within the sprawling expanse of the Settled Systems, the Red Mile stands as a clandestine and infamous gambling haven in the world of Starfield. It's not a place one casually stumbles upon, given the vastness of the Settled Systems, but the treasures it hides make it a destination worth seeking out.
In Starfield, every player can venture into the Red Mile shortly after completing their initial main story quests. For those inclined toward the shadier aspects of the universe, this backwater station offers a plethora of enticing opportunities. Here's how to find your way to this enigmatic locale.
Starfield: Unveiling the Red Mile Location
The Red Mile marks a unique point of interest on the planet Porrima III within the Porrima system, situated slightly west of Volii on the galactic star chart. Depending on your location and the grav drive at your disposal, your journey to the Red Mile may require a couple of grav jumps initially. However, once you've set foot here, you can fast-travel directly to the Red Mile from any solid ground on a planet.
For aspiring smugglers, the Red Mile serves as one of the few places to procure shielded cargo holds and signal jammers, vital tools for transporting contraband into UC or Freestar-controlled systems. However, it's worth noting that an alternative route exists through the Den in the Wolf system, bypassing the need for these items.
The Main Attraction: The Red Mile Race
The Red Mile's centerpiece is the brutal blood sport known simply as the Red Mile race. Participants have a singular objective: reach the beacon at the end of a perilous crater teeming with predatory creatures and laced with toxic gas vents. To enlist in this deadly competition, players can speak with Mei in the lobby/bar area.
While some companions, like Sarah Morgan, may express their repulsion toward the Red Mile race, players need not worry about losing favor with them. Companions will still accompany players throughout the course, regardless of their vocal reservations.
Successful completion of a run within the Red Mile race yields substantial rewards in the form of credits and valuable loot. To claim a unique variant of the AA-99 assault rifle called Desperation, which inflicts more damage as the user's health diminishes, players must achieve the impressive feat of running the race 30 times or more. This endeavor may demand patience, as each full run entails a few minutes of navigating the treacherous course and making a return to the safety zone.