Costão do Santinho Resort invests in the construction of an esports and gaming center
Brazilian resort Costão do Santinho Resort is investing $ 57.2 million in the construction of an esports and gaming center called Hub Costão Games. The company plans to become a Brazilian esports hub and draw more attention to the region.
The center will include over 10,000 square meters that will house an esports arena, coworking spaces and gaming offices, as well as space for projects related to education and game development. Costão do Santinho Resort is located in Florianópolis, southern Brazil.
The cybersport site will tentatively start operating in January 2022, and the entire center will be open in July. The opening of the esports arena is scheduled for March.
The purpose HubCG - become the center of gaming and eSports. The owners hope this will draw attention to Florianopolis, which is located in Santa Catarina, a state far removed from Brazil's main esports hubs such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The region is already counting on outstanding local initiatives such as the Havan Liberty organization, the Hoplon manufacturer and the newly founded Hero Base.
HubCG will also build its own esports organization by selecting players through a competition.