Getting ready to celebrate the second anniversary of Apex Legends
Apex Legends will be 2 years old this year. In honor of this, the developers from Respawn Entertainment have prepared a grand event.
On February 9, the game will start an event with the telling name "Anniversary". As before, a ton of new content awaits players, including gifts.
The first innovation will be the "Combat Readiness" mode. In it, players will have to go to the arena with Mozambique in hand and white armor in gear.
Of course, Special Challenges will also return to the game with special rewards. This time, for completing tasks, you can get as many as 22 items, including 10 regular containers and 2 event containers.
The relic shop will also return. Everything is the same: 24 cosmetic items and 150 relic shards for their creation. However, this year the cost of crafting items will be cut in half.
Finally, starting February 9, you will be able to find various sets with exclusive items in the in-game store.
The anniversary event will run from February 9th to 23rd.