Fortnite won't get World Cup in 2021
Bad news has arrived for esports fans of Fortnite. Epic Games has no plans to host the 2021 World Cup.
The main reason for the transfer is the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the epidemiological situation in the world, Epic Games does not want to hold the usual LAN tournament, risking the health of players and spectators. Also, the pandemic was the main reason for the cancellation of the championship this year.
However, it's not all bad. Epic Games assures that they will continue to support the competition, but this time in an online format. In the future, the company intends to resume holding LAN tournaments.
As a reminder, the last Fortnite World Championship was held in 2019 in New York. Then Nyhrox and Aqua received $ 3 million for winning in duo mode, and exactly the same amount was received by Bugha for winning in the individual competition.