V1lat wants to go completely into sports
Vitaly 'v1lat' Volochay attended the 1vs9 show, in which he spoke about his plans for the near future. He said that during the monotonous and constant work on broadcasts, he loses interest in e-sports. He also shared that he would like to change the field of work and cover only sports.
V1lat also expressed resentment towards the relatively poorly developed salaries of sports commentators. In his opinion, the CIS community in this regard lags far behind the Western professional sports scene, where commentators "have ten million contracts."
"I plan to go into administrative activities a little bit. I will not hide, I am tired of e-sports, I am tired of sitting on the air of analysts on KS for a month in a row. My eyes are starting to flicker from KS, I need rest. I am tired of Dota. I am now I'm glad we don't have Dota broadcasts in November. I don't play Dota at home, I don't watch streams, I only watch the results. And I know that by the end of December I will get bored. I will be addicted again, I will want to[comment]again. If it is permanent, it will slip into such a routine for me that I don’t want to do it, but sooner or later I will still quit esports.
Yes, esports is cool, I have devoted 15 years of my life to this and will devote a little more to it. But, yes, I want to be a sports commentator. The biggest problem is that sports commentators don't make enough money with us. This is not America where sports commentators get like athletes. In America, sports commentators have ten million dollar contracts.
I like that streaming services are growing now, that we now have rights to the NBA, the Champions League, the NHL, baseball, figure skating, biathlon and everything else. And, yes, I want to comment on that. And I think I will connect my life with sports commentary. There, a forty-year-old commentator is the norm. A fifty-year-old commentator is the norm. In esports, probably not. "
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