What will happen in the new season of Apex Legends?
The developers of Apex Legends have announced the fourteenth season in this discipline. Among the main innovations are the updated map of Kings Canyon, the new character Vantage, an increase in the maximum level, a battle pass, and more.
Kings Canyon Map Updates
The developers said that they reworked this map and took into account many wishes of the players. Respawn Entertainment collected user feedback and found out what they think about the Kings Canyon map.
Relic Location Changes
According to the developers, the Kings Canyon map felt much smaller every minute after the start of the match and the players were too close to each other. The map has now been redesigned so that players have more space both in the early stages of the game and in later stages. Changes were made to the location “Relic”.
With the arrival of the fifth season, the City of Skulls and the Thunderdome were buried by a massive explosion that Loba set off. Now the rescue operations have been completed and the Syndicate has redesigned the area for the needs of the Apex game. The new battlefield has been restored in this way and adorned with a legendary skull in the central area, and the buildings will provide players with a nostalgic experience as the location is now more similar to what it was at the very beginning before it was reworked.
Location “Relic” before processing

Location “Relic” after processing

Location “Cage”
Due to the fact that the Cage was too protected, it could cause some inconvenience to players roaming around it. The detachments that settled in this tower could settle down and kill those who pass by and not experience much discomfort, since the protective abilities of the Cell are quite high. The developers decided to fix this feature and bring some balance and dynamics to this place.
Location “Cage” before processing

Location “Cage” after processing

Many other locations on the map have also been redesigned and updated. You can read more about this on the official website of the developers.
New Champion - Vantage
In the fourteenth season, a new champion, Vantage, will traditionally appear. According to the dossier, Ciomara 'Mara' Contreras grew up on the cold planet of Pagos with a single mother and received her sniper rifle as a gift at an early age. At the time of the Apex games, Vantage is 18 years old and specializes in sniper rifles. The tactical skill of the new legend is Echo Relocation, the passive skill is the Gunner's Lens, and as for the Ultimate ability, Vantage can mark the sniper. What the abilities do and how they will help players win with Vantage is currently unknown. On August 9, it will already be possible to try out this hero yourself.
New max level
Apex Legends has had a level cap of 100 since the beginning. Later, the developers made it possible for players to level up to level 500. Now they have expanded the possibilities and players will be able to pump up to level 2000. However, this will not be implemented in the way that many might think. Instead of going from level 1 to level 2000, players will have to reach level 500 four times. Every time users reach level 500, they will start from the first level, but the color and design of the level miniature will be significantly changed. After reaching level 500 for the first time, players will move to Tier-2 and the color will change to the same green as Octane. Tier-3 and Tier-4 will have a blue color like Lifeline and a red color respectively.
- Wingman ammo type will be changed to sniper. Spitfire, in turn, will have light ammo.
- Gold equipment will undergo changes. Golden KO changed the mechanic from Self-Revive to Guardian Angel. The Golden Backpack has had the Guardian Angel ability removed and replaced with the new Deep Pockets mechanic. This means that players will be able to carry additional support items: 3 med/batteries and 2 phoenix packs.
- Bow Bozek and LMG Rifle can now be found in weapon crates, while G7 Scout and Volt SMG can be found on the ground.
- The Eva-8 shotgun received an upgrade in the fourteenth season. The rate of fire and shot have been improved, the ammo capacity has been increased, and the double shot module has returned.
- The Skullbreaker module has been returned and is compatible with weapons such as the Wingman, Longbow, and 30-30 Repeater.
- There are various skins for weapons and heroes.