Elevate parts ways with Apex Legends roster
The North American esports organization Elevate has parted ways with the Apex Legends roster. It is reported that the team was bought out by another club, which will be announced shortly.
Today we're announcing that our Apex Legend team has been bought out and moved to another organization. We want to thank B1N, N3LAS, Sleep and Caffe for their hard work under the RedRebellion banner. Updated information will appear shortly.
The Elevate organization formed its latest Apex Legends roster late last year. During this time, the Brazilian team became the winner of VNM Tourneys #2, Legion Masters #2 - South America #4, VNM Apex Circuit #3 - North America and VNM Apex Circuit #4 - South America, and also got into the top three at VNM Tourneys # 1, Legion Masters #2 - South America #3 and Legion Masters #3 - South America.
The nearest championship for the Brazilian team will be the Apex Legends Global Series: 2022 Championship, which will be held from July 7 to 10 in Raleigh at the PNC Arena.
Apex Legends Global Series 2022 Championship: Reignite, Team UNITE, Team Liquid, OpTic Gaming, TSM, NRG, Luminosity Gaming, esports team αD, Team Empire, Cloud9, BAKAGAKI, Alliance, Team Burger, Elevate, GMT Esports, 100 Thieves, Acend, Team Singularity, DreamFire, Sutoraiku, Free Agents, Players, ODDIK, FENNEL, Spacestation Gaming, Element 6, REJECT, Invictus Gaming International, FOR7, Suave, FURIA Esports, Elev8 Entertainment, Fênix Team, 1iQ, SCARZ, ZETA DIVISION, Crazy Raccoon, ORTHROS FANG, Lightning Unicorn and EXO Clan.
Elevate's latest Apex Legends roster is as follows:
- B1N.
- N3LAS.
- Sleep.
- Caffezin (coach).