Envy Gaming takes over management of a sports facility in Texas
North American esports organization Envy Gaming has announced that it has taken over the management of the sports facility Esports Stadium Arlington in Texas. It is reported that the organization will use the stadium to host home team matches and attract events to Arlington. Also Envy Gaming plans to change to attract a major sponsor to change the name of the stadium.
Envy Gaming acquired the rights to operate the stadium from Esports Venues LLC, formerly owned by Neil Leibman, co-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team. The first tournament to be hosted by an esports organization at a stadium will be the Call of Duty League Kickoff Classic at the end of January. In the future, Envy Gaming plans to use the stadium for home matches in all disciplines in which it is represented.
Jeff Moore, President and COO of Envy: “Esports Stadium Arlington is without a doubt the best destination in North America for any publisher or league considering hosting an esports event with viewers. Keeping an Arlington esports stadium at a high level is natural continuation of what we are striving for at Envy Gaming: we want to give all people who love games the opportunity to enjoy amazing competition in a social environment. "
Arlington esports stadium first opened in 2018 as one of the first esports facilities of its kind in North America. The venue is equipped with everything you need to host esports events, from a fully functional RGB stage to audio and video production and an exhibition hall. Note that at the end of last year, the Esports Awards ceremony took place at the stadium. Also, in the past, the stadium has hosted championships in CS: GO, Call of Duty and other disciplines, as well as various game events.