Valve has released a new patch for Dota 2, which fixes minor bugs
First of all, the changes were made to the Mirana mount from the Immortal set, which dropped from the chests of The International 8. Previously, some players had problems with crashes, having an Immortal set for Sven, which dropped from the TI7 chest. This bug has now been resolved.
Full changelog:
Безкоштовні дорогоцінні камені, а також щоденні, щотижневі та щомісячні бонуси!
User Modes API
- Added the GetDedicatedServerKeyV2 function, which uses a new approach to get/generate keys. All developers using GetDedicatedServerKey to communicate with the backend should migrate to the new function as early as possible;
- To give developers time to upgrade to the new version, GetDedicatedServerKey will remain unchanged until 03/31/2019. After that, everything will automatically be switched to the new version;
- When playing on a local or unofficial server, GetDedicatedServerKeyV2 will return special values to help developers better understand the state (for example, " Invalid_NotOnDedicatedServer ").
- Added UI and text elements for inventory items to display support messages for items and rewards provided by Valve
- Improved the process of obtaining items under high server load
- Fixed a critical bug with the Immortal item on Sven (the Great Cleave animation, with the Vigil Triumph equipped, caused all players of the opposing team to crash).
Model changes
- Minor animation optimizations for Doom, Viper and Troll Warlord models
- Fixed minor issue with Immortal mount for Mirana with TI8 (Axia of Metria).
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