HomeDota 2Всі новиниThere is no limit to perfection - Valve released a new patch for Dota 2 the next day
There is no limit to perfection - Valve released a new patch for Dota 2 the next day
In a new update, which was released on the night of April 10-11, Valve decided to strengthen the new Dota 2 character, Dawnbreaker. In addition, in forest camps, the boundaries of the appearance of creeps have been changed and death from them gives players a penalty.
After Dawnbreaker appeared in patch 7.29, the heroine had the lowest win rate in the first matches at Legend ranks and above, and most players expressed their dissatisfaction with the new character.
Безкоштовні дорогоцінні камені, а також щоденні, щотижневі та щомісячні бонуси!
List of changes in the new patch
- Fixed the borders of small neutral camps on the lanes.
- Dying from Roshan attacks or neutral creeps now increases the respawn timer, and also does not grant an additional teleportation scroll.
- Dawnbreaker level strength gain increased from 3.2 to 3.8
- Dawnbreaker base armor increased by 2.
- Dawnbreaker self stun at end of Starbreaker reduced from 0.3s to 0.2s.
- Celestial Hammer's Fire Trail now deals 20/30/40/50 damage. damage instead of 20 pts. at all levels.
- Luminosity heal increased from 25/30/35/40% to 30/40/50/60%.
- Each Pulse while Solar Guardian is active now heals allies for 45/70/95 instead of 40/55/70.
- Solar Guardian effect radius increased from 400 to 500 units.
- Solar Guardian stun duration increased from 1.1/1.3/1.5 seconds to 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
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