Valve renewed Battle Pass 2020
Valve announced that the Battle Pass 2020 has been extended until October 9th. It was originally planned that the Boevok Pass will run until September 5, after which it was announced that it will be extended for 2 weeks, that is, until the 19th. Now Valve is once again talking about the postponement of the Battle Pass completion date, but this time it is not related to technical problems for which they are "trying to apologize" in this way. The Dota 2 developers are silent about the reasons for extending the Battle Pass.
Users have the opportunity to buy up to two sets of 60 levels each with a 30% discount. After the Battle Pass 2020 comes to an end, Valve will summarize the voting results for the next hero to receive the lasso. The developers joked, saying that this time the victory will definitely be won by "a purple melee carry that easily overcomes distances", which can refer to both Faceless Void and Specter finalists.
Earlier we talked about the release of a new treasure for Dota called Immortal Treasure III. You can read more about this in our material.