
Valve has released an update for the Turbo mode in Dota
On the night of June 8th, Dota 2 received an update that focused on the Turbo mode with the aim of speeding up the games.
Changes in Turbo mode:
- Increased the amount of experience gained from the Tome of Knowledge by 100%.
- Reduced the interval for Lotus Orb spawns in Outposts: 3 minutes → 90 seconds.
- Decreased the initial availability time of Aghanim's Shard: 9:45 → 7:30.
- Reduced the initial availability time of Infused Raindrops: 3:30 → 1:30.
- Updated the hero selection interface: players can now see how many players have selected each hero in each team.
- Random hero selection is no longer visible to the enemy team.
- Players who choose a random hero no longer receive free Mangoes and Clarity Potions.
- There are no longer restrictions on choosing a random hero during the last 10 seconds of the selection phase.
- The Manifold Paradox Arcana for Phantom Assassin will now count victories in Turbo mode for half the points.
- The Feast of Abscession Arcana for Pudge will now count victories against Rubick in Turbo mode for half the points.
The developers have also addressed several general gameplay issues. The full list of changes is available at the provided link.
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