Valve Improves Method for Calculating and Punishing Cheaters in CS: GO
Valve improved the code of the VACnet neural network, which was created to combat cheaters in CS: GO. The developers did not mention this, but representatives of the publication Gabe Follower, who are engaged in the production of content based on games from Valve, noticed the new lines of code and reported it.
VACnet looks at the behavior of the players and if it notices suspicious mouse control, then bans the player without the participation of the Patrol system. The algorithm is written in such a way that the program looks at what happens half a second before the shot, and also a quarter of a second after it.
Recently, there was inside information about the emergence of a new operation in CS: GO before the end of 2020. Together with her, the game will have to introduce a duel mode and even cooperative missions for several players. In "Survival", this will be the name of the new mode, users will fight side by side with NPCs in procedurally generated locations and withstand waves of enemies - which ones have not yet been announced.