FunSpark ULTi Chinese Tournament Announced
FunSpark and 5EPlay have announced a CS: GO tournament with a prize pool of $ 300,000. Despite the interest in the Asian division, both in terms of participants and in terms of attracting an audience, representatives of other regions will play in the tournament. For example, FURIA, one of the best teams in the Brazilian and American divisions, has already appeared on the list of invited participants along with TYLOO.
Initially, it was planned that FunSpark ULTi will start on December 1 and will end on the 6th, but after a statement from the Main Sports Administration of China, the tournament seems to be postponed to 2021.
The total prize pool will be distributed in an interesting way. Teams that take 5-8 places in the standings will receive $ 5,000 each. The teams located on line 3 and 2, in turn, will earn $ 25,000 and $ 50,000, respectively. The champion will receive 2/3 of the total fund, namely $ 200,000.